Our Story
For the last 2.5 years LOCI has been designing innovations for safety training in partnership with Seaspan, one of Canada’s largest ship-building and marine transport companies, and industry leaders when it comes to workplace safety.
With the sole purpose of making people safer by turning instructions into instinct, we designed a new way to share training and instructions that people actually remember. LOCI combines modern discoveries in neuroscience about how the brain navigates and remembers with ancient memory-building techniques and gamification. The result is a learning experience that’s up to eight times more memorable than verbal or written instruction.
Earlier this year in March, we were preparing to roll out the new training system at Seaspan’s Vancouver Shipyard. And then the global pandemic hit.
Suddenly, managing fire safety for large numbers of people in the same space wasn’t high on anyone’s priority list. Our roadmap went out the window and the team and I decided to find a way to use LOCI to help people stay safe during this new worldwide emergency.
We researched and brainstormed, and it hit us: a virus is just like an invisible fire. The coronavirus spreads quickly and, without the right training, people tend to panic and make mistakes.
Through the development of our training software we know what it takes to make safety memorable. Information does not equal learning, and simply reading or being told something does very little to change behaviour.

That’s why we decided to create GSI: Germ Scene Investigation, a game that quickly teaches people what they need to know about coronavirus germs so they can make smarter, safer choices in their daily lives. The game references CSI (get it?) and gets players to think like a forensic detective on the hunt for germs, scientific evidence, and life-saving answers to important questions about germ safety. The familiar reference piggybacks new information onto what you already know to store it deep in your memory, making GSI a more effective way of learning COVID-safe facts.
We believe GSI: Germ Scene Investigation can bridge the gap between information and knowledge, which is why we’ve released it to the world completely FREE to play. We hope people all over the world play the game and learn how to confidently do their part to stop the spread of COVID-19. Try it for yourself! Play HERE
And if you’re interested in learning more about what we do, or if you like to geek out on brain stuff like we do, sign up for LOCI updates HERE. We promise we’ll only send you the most interesting stuff at just the right frequency.
Thanks! And stay safe,
Sam Mathews Chase
Get to know the supercomputer in your head.
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